WGV New Products 12/11 - The Finest E-Liquid | King Pluto Razzo Disposable | Focus V CARTA

Introducing two new flavors from the
Crème De La Crème series from the Finest E-liquids
to our juice racks at Wise Guys Vapes!

From time to time, a new and exciting e-liquid series comes along that
disrupts the status quo and achieves “game-changer” status. The Crème
de la Crème series by the Finest E-Liquid is their homage to
traditionally baked confectionery treats and truly represents the
“best of the best” when it comes to dessert, custard-based e-liquids.
Do yourself the oh-so-sweet flavor of giving one of these a try.

  • Strawberry Custard is a sensational flavor profile that harmonizes theperfect balance of juicy red strawberries and a light custard cream drizzle to top it all off.
  • An instant fan favorite, Vanilla Almond Custard is a nostalgic blend that fuses the flawless pairing of luscious vanilla beans, creamy  custard, and a slight hint of almonds for a well-rounded vaping experience.

Available in 0, 3, and 6mg nicotine in 2 60ml bottles with a VG/PG Ratio: 70/30

Shop The Finest E-Liquid»

This week we also brought in 3 new flavors of the customer favorite
King Pluto Razzo Disposable devices!

Now available in

  • OG: an OG mix of Orange and Grape for the real OG's
  • Frozen Purple Punch: a mix of grape and lemon punch with a hint of ice
  • Frozen Tangerine: a natural tangerine flavor with a hint of ice

Puffs per Device: 1500 puffs
Nicotine Level: 60mg
Liquid 5ML

Shop King Pluto Disposables»

Concentrate and dry herb Atomizers, Quartz and Titanium Buckets, batteries, and carb caps!

This isn’t just a new paint job! The CARTA Laser Edition redesigns our
e-rig to incorporate LED lights in the base to fully illuminate
inspired, two-toned glass bubble tops for an unmatched psychedelic
aesthetic that recounts early ‘90s R&B, rave culture, punk and funk
into an all-you-can dab sherbet explosion of sensory overload!

MUST have for the concentrate or dry herb connoisseur, the Carta is
compact, easy to use, ergonomic, and only costs a fraction of the
price of some portable rigs on the market today!

The ergonomic design of the Focus V CARTA includes a fully
customizable removable glass top, making it even easier to pack up and
hit the road. Rounded out by haptic feedback that keeps you aware of
your vape rig’s status, CARTA from Focus V is the high point of
portable dabbing.

  • LED lights in the base for an illuminated glass top
  • Fluorescent colored base
  • 2-tone glass top
  • Snug carrying case
  • Includes Focus V CARTA Everlast Atomizer
  • Portable vape rig with desktop performance
  • Comfortable, ergonomic design
  • Uses rechargeable batteries for true portability
  • Includes quartz and titanium atomizers
  • 4 out-of-the-box temperature presets
  • Temperature control to the single degree with the Focus V CARTA app
  • Haptic feedback
  • Dab counter and remote control available through the Focus V CARTA app


  • 1 x Focus V CARTA Laser Line Edition Portable Vape Rig
  • 1 x Laser Line CARTA 2-Tone Glass Top
  • 1 x Glass Bubble Cap
  • 1 x CARTA Laser Line Edition Carb Cap Tether
  • 1 x Everlast Atomizer
  • 2 x Titanium Bucket
  • 2 x Quartz Buckets
  • 1 x USB-C Charging Cable
  • 2 x 18350 Batteries
  • 1 x Silicone Wax Container
  • 1 x Dab Tool
  • 1 x Pack of Alcohol Cleaning Wipes
  • 1 x Portable Laser Line Edition Carrying Case

Stock up, save money, and as always

#VapeWISEly my friends! 


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